FREE Evangelism Tools (in English)
One part of our ministry is teaching groups and churches here at home how to do personal evangelism and discipleship. There are certain materials we use in teaching those classes, and we are uploading some of them here so they may be used by any who are seeking evangelism tools for their church or group.
Prayer Walking in your church's neighborhood |
One thing we teach churches is the importance of praying in the neighborhood of their church before beginning a door to door evangelism effort. This is the prayer walk we lead and provide to the churches we do training with.
The 15 Second Testimony |
A testimony consists of three parts: What I was like before, the turning point, and what I am like now. While we have heard many testimonies that take hours or days to deliver ;), a testimony should be short, sweet and to the point. The 15 second testimony should serve as a lead in to sharing the Gospel. It's quick, easy to learn, and effective.
The 3 Circles
After you have shared your 15 second testimony and asked the question, "Can I share with you the story that changed my life?" Share the Gospel in an easy to understand, easy to share method that takes about 3 minutes.