Why One Mission Society?
Most people, when called to missions, join a credible mission organization, start raising funds, and when they are fully funded, or close to it, go to the mission field.
Not us.
We've always done things a little differently. As we mentioned before on our About Us page, our calling grew out of going on short term mission trips, and seeing God call us out of the needs we saw on those trips.
We went to the mission field first, mostly self-funded with the exception of financial gifts from friends and family, and after we had established a mission field in Peru, all while developing a partnership with One Mission Society through Train and Multiply Workshops, we were invited to be part of OMS.
There were several factors that led us to partner with OMS.
1.) We love what they are doing, and they do it with excellence! Everything they do goes back to the Great Commission... Go and Make Disciples.
Not us.
We've always done things a little differently. As we mentioned before on our About Us page, our calling grew out of going on short term mission trips, and seeing God call us out of the needs we saw on those trips.
We went to the mission field first, mostly self-funded with the exception of financial gifts from friends and family, and after we had established a mission field in Peru, all while developing a partnership with One Mission Society through Train and Multiply Workshops, we were invited to be part of OMS.
There were several factors that led us to partner with OMS.
1.) We love what they are doing, and they do it with excellence! Everything they do goes back to the Great Commission... Go and Make Disciples.
In 2015, over ONE MILLION people came to know the Lord through the ministries of One Mission Society. That's one every 31 seconds!
One Mission Society has a vision to see ONE BILLION people be given ONE OPPORTUNITY to hear and respond to the Gospel in the next 10 years. We are excited to be a part of that vision! (See how we're doing here: https://www.billion.global/)
Since they began in 1901, their belief has been that it is the sons and daughters of a nation that will lead that nation to Christ. We share that same belief as we work with our friends in Peru to equip and train them to lead their families, friends and neighbors to Christ.
2.) Our Family has a history with OMS...
Vicki's great uncle, Edward C. Oney, was one of the first missionaries with OMS, going to Japan as one of the "Band of Workers" recruited by Charles and Lettie Cowman in 1912. You can read his story in the book, Young Men of the Cross by Ed Erny.
Since they began in 1901, their belief has been that it is the sons and daughters of a nation that will lead that nation to Christ. We share that same belief as we work with our friends in Peru to equip and train them to lead their families, friends and neighbors to Christ.
2.) Our Family has a history with OMS...
Vicki's great uncle, Edward C. Oney, was one of the first missionaries with OMS, going to Japan as one of the "Band of Workers" recruited by Charles and Lettie Cowman in 1912. You can read his story in the book, Young Men of the Cross by Ed Erny.
Our daughter, Tori, served with One Mission Society in Japan for her Missions internship with Cedarville University in 2015. She is the one who introduced us to Train and Multiply.
3.) They are a credible mission organization and a member of the ECFA, so all donations given to our ministry are tax deductible. When you give a donation to our ministry, you will receive a receipt in the mail. All donations will be tracked and each receipt gives a history of your giving for the year.
4.) Our friends and fellow missionaries at One Mission Society have become a family to us, supporting us in prayer and giving us godly advice as we have faced new situations on the field. We are so honored to come alongside them in the cause for Christ.
4.) Our friends and fellow missionaries at One Mission Society have become a family to us, supporting us in prayer and giving us godly advice as we have faced new situations on the field. We are so honored to come alongside them in the cause for Christ.