There was some confusion on our first trips about whether or not there was a church there. Last year, a pastor came to a Train and Multiply training and told us that he was the pastor in Llachapa as well as 4 other villages. It turns out that his main church is in another village and he visits Llachapa as he is available to go, which is once every few months. When he is not in the village, the church is locked and there is no church available to the people.
In April, we stopped and talked with one of the Christian leaders in the village. He told us that since Pachita (Nancy Kopf) has been coming to Llachapa to bring Bibles to the people, the village has changed. It used to be a dark place, he said, but now, people are hungry for the things of God.

When they arrived at the village, they began inviting people to a service to be held Monday evening. That night, Edwin's wife led the singing, Edwin led the service and Pastor Gilberto preached and many from the village came.
Tuesday, Pastor Gilberto led the service and Edwin preached.
They began making arrangements to take the boy to the Shaman. Another family in the village decided to go with them to support them. The two families got into their boat and headed toward the Shaman's village, planning to stop in Llachapa to sell the meat.
When they arrived in Llachapa, they heard preaching coming from the community center. They went there, probably thinking that they may find someone there to buy their meat so they could get on their way. They went inside and sat down. As Edwin preached, the Holy Spirit began to convict them. God spoke directly into their hearts and when the invitation was given, both families went forward to accept Christ. After they prayed, they told the team how they happened to be there. At that point, they prayed for the little boy and God healed him!
Our team tells us that the people here are so hungry for God and His Word. Please pray with us that God will raise up a leader in the village who desires to be a pastor to disciple these people.
We've been invited to come and do training in this village in August or September, and we were also invited by the Religious Education teacher at the local High School to come and share God's Word with the 160 students who attend there. She asked us to specifically talk to them about their purpose in life and the importance of responsible behavior and life choices. Please pray for us as we prepare to glorify God in this opportunity.
To God be the Glory!!