Mike and I have been talking a lot lately about spiritual gifts. As part of our application with OMS, we have to take a Birkman Assessment that lays out in extreme detail what our spiritual gifts are.
We are each uniquely gifted. When we were first talking about starting this ministry, Mike said, "Why would God want to use me? My gift is administration. You're the teacher." Lo and behold, administration is exactly the gift God needed to launch a ministry! If it weren't for Mike going through pastor training manuals and booklets and determining which ones need copied and how many copies we need of each, figuring out how to juggle the finances to be able to do what is needed, looking at flight schedules and calling mentors to work through issues, I would be totally lost!
On the other hand, if Mike were to be placed in a group and asked to teach them a concept, he would struggle through it, but he would not be comfortable in that role.
When the mother of the little boy packed his lunch that morning, maybe she thanked God for providing food for her son, realizing that our daily bread is a gift from God. He literally gave back to God the gift God had given him, and Jesus multiplied it to feed many.
What if we gave back to God the gifts He has given us, and asked him to multiply them so that we could use them to nourish and feed others?
Don't assume that you have nothing to offer God. Give God what you have and ask Him to use it. If that mother hadn't packed those two little fish and five loaves of bread for her son's lunch that day, over 5,000 people would not have been nourished, but more importantly, the power of God would not have been made evident.
Little is much when God is in it.